Call for Presentations

MilCIS encourages the submission of proposals in the cyber domain and space domain for refereed presentations at the conference within the following three frameworks: Update, Product Brief, and Tutorial.


An update (delivered in the parallel conference sessions) presentation provides a non-commercial update of key technologies and/or issues associated with government and military communications and information systems and network centric warfare.

Product Brief

A product brief provides a brief on a commercial product or capability associated with government and military communications and information systems and network centric warfare. Product briefs are considered a form of sponsorship, the cost of which is outlined in the Conference Sponsorship and Exhibition brochure. Expo Product Briefs may be proposed for the Expo stream (available to Expo Visitors and Conference Delegates); or Conference Product Briefs in the parallel conference steams (available only to Conference Delegates); or Mini Product Briefs (available to Expo Visitors and Conference Delegates). All expo product briefs will also be live-streamed via the virtual conference portal.


A tutorial (delivered in the parallel conference sessions) provides a non-commercial introduction to key technologies associated with government and military communications and information systems and network centric warfare. Tutorials should be as interactive as possible to ensure that participants are actively engaged in exploring the issues surrounding the topic.

MilCIS will be delivered in a hybrid format, combining an in-person experience with an online virtual component for the Open Session presentations in the Royal Theatre. You will have the opportunity to choose your presentation delivery method.

  1. Live presentation. Presenters will present from the National Convention Centre and the Open Session presentations in the Royal Theatre will be streamed live into the virtual platform for virtual attendees to view. Open Session recordings will be placed on demand for registered delegates to watch for up to two weeks after the conference.

  2. Pre-recorded presentation. Presenters will provide pre-recorded presentation that will be streamed during the presentation time.

Update and Product briefs are 50 minutes in duration. A tutorial is also normally 50 minutes long, but tutorials of up to three hours duration may be considered if there is room in the program.

Mini Product Briefs are a 15-minute opportunity to deliver a commercial brief on your company’s product or services to all in-person conference attendees. Presentation will also be live streamed via the virtual conference portal and available for virtual attendees.

Presenters may receive a complimentary day registration for the day of their presentation. Attendance at the remaining days of the conference will require paid registration for those days.

The following timetable will apply: 

Submission of abstract for review  -  Tuesday 5 August 2025

Notification of acceptance  -  Tuesday 16 September 2025

Live Presentations

Operation of your presentation will be via a laptop computer and mouse at the speaker lectern.  Data projectors with 1280 x 720 pixel resolution (16:9 aspect ratio) will project your images onto the screen. Audiovisual technicians will be available before and during all sessions should you have additional queries or require assistance during your presentation.

The room will be set with a lectern and microphone, a laptop PC (Windows 10, Office 2016), set to one side of the lectern and operated by a mouse.  The laptop sound will be connected to the PA system.

We are unable to support Apple Mac computers, except by prior arrangement. Please note that other presentation materials/formats will NOT be available without prior arrangement.

Please bring with you a copy of your presentation materials (PC format only) on memory stick or CD to be provided to the Audiovisual Engineer when you register. It is advisable for all presenters using PowerPoint to bring a backup of all files.

The presentation schedule will be promulgated late October.